Conner is having his adenoids out and new tubes put in his ears tomorrow morning. We are checking in to the surgical center at 6:30 a.m. and he is scheduled for the procedure at 8. We are hoping that this will help with the chronic sinus infections and that the new tubes will help with the ear infections (he's had 3 since the last set came out in November).
If it was just new tubes, I don't think we would worry as much. As much as I hate the sedation part, it's such a quick and easy procedure and we are familiar with it from last time. The part that we are nervous about is the intubation for the adenoidectomy. People who don't know us or Conner well may not understand this, but his medical history is very involved for a 3 year old. The pre-op phone call with the nurse was long...has he had surgery? yes, 6 times. has he been scoped? yes. was he premature? yes. does he take medication? yes...and list them. does he have asthma? does he have reflux? does he have developmental delays? And on and on and on. We had to have a letter from the pulmonologist releasing him for sedation. For us, this is serious business. Conner was intubated for the first 2 months of his life and came home on oxygen when he was 4 months old. We had oxygen tanks in our house for a long time and we still have a pulse ox (which Conner will probably wear for a while tomorrow when we get home). I'm not discounting anyone else's fears for their own children...just explaining why we have fears for ours.
Anyway, we haven't really explained what is going to happen to Conner. We don't think he will quite understand and he hasn't been sleeping well need to add to his anxiety.
I will post more when it's all done...hoping to be home quickly. They said the tubes take 10 minutes, adenoids take 20 minutes, plus the sedation and intubation and 45 minutes for recovery. Hoping it's as pain free as possible.
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