Sunday, July 21, 2013


Conner's IEP was in May and I'm just getting around to writing this. Anyway, it went well. I think most of the things I wanted were added and I learned a lot through the process. We were very lucky that the principal of Conner's new school was able to attend along with the speech therapist he will have in Kindergarten. Also, Conner's amazing teacher was there and his current school speech therapist that has known him for 3 years. I truly felt like they were all on his side and wanted the absolute best for him. There was a lot of talk (and not even from me!) about what an amazing and wonderful child Conner is and about how far he has come.

(at kindergarten round up)

Conner was tested for academic readiness and was tested by an OT.  He was not tested for speech or PT. The speech therapist knows him well enough so it wasn't really necessary. I can't really give a good explanation for why they would not test him for PT. The reason I was given was that Conner navigates the school and playground without assistance and therefore does not need PT. I disagree. But the new speech therapist disagreed as well so has requested an adaptive PE evaluation when school starts. We will go from there.

I was surprised to hear that academically, Conner does not qualify for the Resource Room. They did give him time each week in Resource Room though to help with organization and classroom adjustment. Maybe he won't need it all year, but I'm glad he is getting it. There are so many kids in each class, I worry about him getting lost in the crowd. He will also be getting OT each week and Speech twice a week. I was hoping they would work with Conner on his shoes, snowpants, zipping, etc. but they will not work on these self help skills. So they are just going to just have to help him until he can do it himself. These tasks are extremely difficult for him regardless of how much we work on them. In OT, they will hopefully be working on handwriting and visual tracking type activities (mazes, puzzles, etc.). And in speech, they will continue to try to work on strategies for stuttering among other things.

It was already so long ago that I can't even remember the details but it went well. I was happy with the discussion and mostly happy with the services he is receiving. In the fall, we are requesting a technology evaluation as well as adaptive PE and will adjust things from there. His new school is getting 2 new kindergarten teachers so I am just hoping they are good and that he gets a good one.

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