Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 27, 2011 - All About Conner - Medical stuff

I haven't done a post all about Conner in so long. So many things have been going on with him and he has changed so much over the past few months. He has handled all the changes in our house so much better than we ever expected possible. He is such an easy going boy and although he does have some pretty impressive tantrums, he is in a good mood most of the time!

Medically, Conner has been doing okay. He was sick for almost 5 weeks straight, starting with a runny nose, then a fever, strep throat, fever again, runny nose the whole time, then ended up with sinus infection that ended up in his eye, so he finally got an antibiotic which seemed to help finally clear everything up (plus they finally had spring break so it gave him some time to heal!). He had to miss a few days of school and felt miserable for a few days, but he seems to be getting back to himself finally. We visited the pediatrician several time during those 5 weeks. Last week, we had a check up with Conner's pulmonologist (who we LOVE!). He is hoping that once his current cough goes away and the weather gets a bit better, we can try to get him off all of his asthma/lung medications for the summer months. That would be great! He added an allergy medicine too because Conner has had some serious circles around his eyes and they have mentioned that at school several times. The side effect of the medicine is sleep so we are hoping that it will also help Conner with his sleep trouble which has continued for months.

We have also been working on trying to get Conner off Prevacid. He went through months of spitting up around the end of last year and beginning of this year, but that seems to have tapered off. We are hoping that Conner will finally outgrow this reflux. We have been weaning him for the past few weeks and he has seemed okay, but now that he is just about off all of it, he has started having some bad "urps" that make him cough and gag, give him a bad taste in his mouth, we will see. We would LOVE to get him medicine free for at least a while, but we will have to just take it one day at a time. The GI doctor was very happy with Conners' weight the last time we went and he said he wouldn't bother me about it again. Conners' weight is fluctuating around 30-31 pounds and he has gotten taller so we are very happy with how that is going. He looks huge to us now and is outgrowing everything. We used to be able to use his clothes for over a year, but now it looks like he's not going to be able to wear last summer's clothes this year. I'm not complaining!

Conner still sees a Rehab doctor. He sent us to get some x-rays done of Conner's spine and hips. Because of his prematurity and low tone, Conner is at risk for hip dislocation and scoliosis. So they wanted to get a baseline picture. So his hips looked fine, but the spine showed a large degree of a curve. The pediatrician said if the degree is greater than 10, she will send a child to an orthopedic doctor, especially a patient as young as Conner. His x-rays showed a 22 degree curve...but after waiting months to get in to the orthopedic surgeon, the doctor is pretty sure that Conner was bending in the picture and his spine looks mostly straight. He, of course, wants him followed every 6 months just to make sure nothing drastically changes, but for now everything looks good. The frustrating thing is that the rehab doctor is always looking for things that are wrong and very rarely focuses on the positive changes in Conner. We would love to quit seeing him...but our pediatrician would like us to continue with him for we will...for now.

Conner's eyes have been a bit of an issue lately. Actually, I'm not sure if they are an issue because he can't really communicate what he sees, how he sees, etc. But in the last few months, we have noticed a lot of squinting, rubbing, difficulty distinguishing objects, etc. We have been going to the eye doctor regularly since Conner was a baby, but the last few times have been VERY difficult because Conner doesn't like the guy. So we are switching to another doctor in the same practice who was highly recommended by Conner's pulmonologist and pediatrician (we trust both of them!). We are going next week, so we will hopefully start to figure out what is going on. Conner is at risk for eye problems because of the retinopathy he had as a baby and because he had laser surgery which decreases peripheral vision. Maybe it's just allergies or something minor...that is the hope.

Well I think that's all the medical stuff...I'll save the rest for another post.

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